Remembering October 14 : The dream to see democracy and justice in Thai society.

I remember “October 14” recalling “the determination and dream” of young men and women 45 years ago.

The dream and aspiration to see Thai society become democratic respecting the rights, liberties and the opportunity for the people to make their own choices without having to accept the power of dictatorship and or any outside power that may pressure or persecute the people. With hearts that will not succumb to restraints and ready to fight fearlessly and ready to sacrifice their lives so that righteousness and justice may prevail in Thai society. 

The democracy obtained on October 14, 1973 was only just the beginning of the opportunity which was rewarded to the people for their dedication and fight for democracy and justice in the society. However, this has not affected much the power structure of the elites who reap the benefits in Thai society. The expansion of democratic power instead stemmed anxiety among the old power group and the conservatives who then orchestrated various means to destroy the power of the students and democracy so it would collapse 3 years after which was on October 6, 1976.

The fight for democracy and a just society must be continued so that Thai society may become peaceful, livable with everyone able to live together in harmony. Although the “people of October” has ceased their roles but their “spirit and deeds on October 14” lives on and is still remembered by the people as a memory for future generations to learn from.

What the people in this new generation can learn as experience from the past is “the young men and women at that time dared to dream and struggled to realize their dream”. Although the Thai society that is democratic and fair may be difficult to achieve and need time but there is still hope.

Thai society still has a future

The young men and women is the future

Phumtham Wechayachai

October 14, 2018