The Pheu Thai Party



28th October 2018

To members of the Pheu
Thai Party,

  Millions of people are already aware of and familiar with
our policies and undertakings in the past. Although it has only been 11 years
since our inceptionmembers of
our party have accumulated vast experience throughout the past two decades
since the time of the former Thai Rak Thai Party which had been unfairly
dissolved during the political crisis. Members of the party have always been
with the people through thick and thin. Together we have struggled through all
kinds of political situation. This has made us understand the importance of
having more policies which center on the livelihood of the people, namely;

for better life”

a living with dignity”

  We first and foremost adhere to people’s interest. Our
successive policies were made through understanding people’s lives, despair and
economic and social necessity, and through this, helped solved issues which
affected their family and society such as narcotics.

  We offered policies which are tangible and answer to the
people’s need and are truly meaningful to their livelihoods. These policies
included the Village Funds, One Tambon One Product (OTOP), Small and Medium
Enterprises (SME) and Constructive Economy which had been formulated to being
opportunity to all people in general not only to a privileged few within
society which is based on the following ideals;

ship with sturdy keel will sail through all storm with dignity.”

strong foundation will withstand the above structure without taking too much

tax must be eradicated”

tax will be a stimulus of the future.”


important policies to support healthcare such as “30 Baht for All Treatment”
was falsely distorted and there was effort to even abolish it totally. The
policy was actually meant to lessen the burden for providing healthcare to the
people and to cut production cost for small and medium enterprises, so that they
could have a quality work force at a lower production cost.

policies were for future of our people and focusing on strengthening
opportunity and stability of the people’s lives. These policies were tangible,
and people could reap benefits from them and helped create multiplying effect
to the economy and provided opportunity to every layers of societyboth in the
cities and the rural areas. The policies also helped expand the tax base for
the country from newly generated incomes without resorting to peculiar ways of
squeezing money from the people.

success of our policies in the past could not ever materialize if the country
did not have democracy and the constitution which is representative of the people.
Today however is not time for us to boast abroad our past. Our policies must
constantly be reviewed and adapted to meet new challenges.

Understanding and Adapting to the Changing

success of our past policies streamed from the good vision and understanding of
the ever-changing world, and as a government to be able to inform people about
the impending changes.

Today we have to work harder so
that the people could benefit from this new environment.

Today the world is changing
rapidly bringing with it many problems, challenges and opportunities.

Today due to the challenges from
new technology we have to mitigate the risk of associated unemployment and
create new competitive businesses.

Today the looming trade war will
compel us to think forward and adjust our industrial policies to remain

Today the changing consumer
behavior will dictate us to develop and find potential markets for our products
and services especially agricultural products which involve small and
vulnerable businesses.

Today we have to consider how to
reap benefit fromthe “One Belt One Road” initiative to enable our business
sector to remain competitive especially in logistics.

Today Thailand is already entering
an ageing society, so we need to develop social welfare systems to look after
our senior citizens with dignity.

Today the educational system is
unprecedentedly shifting into a new paradigm which requires our attention and
adaptation to enable the effective access for our new generation.

To work with the people to renew hope, rebuild the country,
restore confidence and dismantle barriers which deny our people better
opportunities and economic wellbeing.

people have gone through so much despair, pressure and helpless changes
already, and the world is changing fast and all countries are compelled to
adjust themselves for the future. Thailand however remains divisive without any
real hope of any solution

livelihood will never be attained if we do not work with the people to resolve
all their difficulties. The failures brought about by political crises during
the past ten years will not ever be resolved if we do not sit down together.

together with the people we will strive for the restoration of hope,
confidence, and trust within our society. Together we will proceed with wisdom
and uphold the rule of law to bring back our honor and dignity in the eye of
the world community.

we will dismantle barriers for the opportunity and wellbeing of all people. The
Pheu Thai Party believes that a political party will be truly representative of
the people only, when it has the people’s wellbeing and interest at heart. We
must strive for a way forward with hope even though the path is fraught with

will utilize all our experience and commitment to work with the people to
rebuild our society filled with hope, opportunities, livelihood and bring about
peaceful future.

Pheu Thai Party – will bring about opportunities from the ever-changing world
for all the Thai people.


are ready.”  

Pheu Thai Party

October 2018